Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tip Tuesday - 'Picture Perfect' School Photos

One of the annual rites of passage for kids (and their parents) is school picture day. I think it stresses me out as a mom more than the first day of school or the Holiday program. Why, you might ask? Because I have forgotten in years past. And sent my kids to school looking like hobos! Messy hair, wearing last season's day-glo soccer jersey, and jelly still on their faces. Gotta love it. Now I set three reminders in my phone and place sticky notes all over the house to help me remember. After all, these photos end up being handed out to relatives, friends, and classmates… and don’t forget those yearbook spreads either! School picture day isn’t a day you want to forget.
That being said, I decided to ask some of my photographer friends for some "TIPS" on getting "Picture Perfect" school photos. You know, OTHER THAN "Don't forget!" Here are their words of wisdom:

1. Practice smiling.  Especially with younger kids who are new to the "picture day process." Photographers have many children to capture in a short period of time and will have limited interaction with your kid. The whole process can feel rushed and uncomfortable - remember the drill? Wait in line with your form. Step up to the box made out of tape. Sit on the stool. SMILE! Flash. You're done. Hopefully, with a little beforehand practice, a genuine smile will shine through even in these crazy circumstances! 

2. Go with simple, everyday hairstyles. Don’t get a new haircut the day before, or try a new hairstyle you’ve never attempted. I remember cutting my own bangs the night before school pictures in the 5th grade. I went too short and they stuck STRAIGHT OUT the next morning. I still cringe at that picture! School pictures are meant to capture your child AS THEY ARE, that year. While it may not be the end of the world, a haircut or style that doesn't actually represent your child will only add to the awkwardness of the photo.

3. Chose a clean, simple patterned top. A clean, shirt or dress with a simple neckline is best. Generally busier tops detract from the face (especially when you add in those backgrounds!) And remember - sparkles or glitter often show up out of focus and can wash out the other colors in the photo.

4. BRIBERY.  Normally, I’m not one for bribery, but I know it works. (I got my ring bearer son down the aisle, complete with a tie and a smile, because he knew there was a ginormous box of Legos waiting for him after the ceremony!)  If it’s important to you that your kid smiles, or that you avoid the dreaded retake day, then make a deal with your kid. Good pictures = Reward.

My kids' Picture Day was last week. I feel like we did our best with the tips and tricks my photographer friends suggested. Wyatt's wasn't into practicing his smile, however. He is currently missing 3 front teeth and not fond of showing off the gaps! As his mother, I really wanted this toothless grin captured, however...So I BRIBED him to smile wide. This is what I got as I dropped them off in the morning. I call it "Grumpy Blue Steel." I can't wait to see how the real shots turned out! 

Do you have any other ideas for "Picture Perfect" school pics? We'd love to hear them! ~Erin

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